To build truly resilient farming communities, we must look beyond cocoa and coffee as crops towards the farming systems in which they are grown. Rikolto believes that this food systems approach holds the key for farmers to build up resilient livelihoods and enhance their food and nutrition security, as well as for building economically profitable, socially responsible and environmentally sound coffee and cocoa sectors.
Through partnerships with a wide variety of stakeholders in the cocoa sector in Indonesia, we have reached over 12.000 cocoa and coffee farmers and work directly with nine cooperatives in Jambi, East Nusa Tenggara, West and South Sulawesi provinces in Indonesia.
We reach our impact by focusing on three interlinked aspects: sustainable production, market inclusion and an enabling environment.
We focus on climate-smart cocoa and coffee production, productivity improvements, income diversification and the professionalisation of farmer organisations.
To fulfil our ambitions, we work with smallholder farmers, buyers, and collaborate closely with research institutes, other NGOs, public institutes and financial institutions. We hold dialogues and support the action of local and national governments, and actively contributes to regional and international multistakeholder platforms.
We are a proud co-founder and active facilitator of national and regional multi-stakeholder platforms in producing and consuming countries. In Indonesia, we are an active member of the Cocoa Sustainability Partnership, the Sustainable Coffee Platform of Indonesia (SCOPI), and the Specialty Coffee Associations Indonesia (SCAI).